Car Antenna Cover

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Car Antenna Cover

About This Project

This project started when my brother’s car antenna cover broke off during winter, and instead of spending $70 on a new one, I figured I could just model and print one myself. It was a great excuse to dive into 3D printing again and save some money while I was at it!

I started by measuring the fitting connected to the roof since I didn’t have the actual cover to reference. I had to rely on a lot of photos from the internet to get the design right. After a couple of test prints and adjustments, I finally got a model that looked pretty close to the real thing. It was trial and error, but the third print fit perfectly!

To finish it off, I used a two-part epoxy to secure the cover to the roof, and it’s been holding up ever since. I think it looks just as good as the original!

This project reminded me of why I love engineering, CAD, and 3D printing. Being able to solve real-world problems like this, while saving money, is really rewarding. I didn’t learn anything new from this project, but I got to practice the skills I’ve been building, and it was a fun challenge all the way through.

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